Oklahoma international bluegrass festival is on facebook sign up for facebook to connect with kenny parks charles donaghe tom webb genre: bluegrass hometown: guthrie, ok. Double stop fiddle shop & music hall the music hall offers the best in bluegrass and country swing music enjoy country style barbeque in the adjacent dining hall. Guthrie thoroughly lie apr -30, the pollard theatre apr -11, oklahoma festival ballet the school s resident fiddlers blend with vocals for an evening of unique bluegrass.
October - - oklahoma international bluegrass festival, guthrie - join us for this annual three day festival featuring international and national bluegrass bands, ren s.
Bluegrass etc performing at the rd annual oklahoma international bluegrass festival in guthrie, oklahoma (sept -oct, ). Antique shopping, historical sites, bluegrass festival western territorial inn, territorial trail, guthrie, ok, (405-282-8831) interstate motel, east oklahoma. The iobf started in and is growing in reputation and size camping and jamming are mportant part of this festival from their web site:.
Claire lynch perform at the oklahoma international bluegrass festival in guthrie, oklahoma on october,. Community events in guthrie include oklahoma international bluegrass festival, oklahoma er celebration, lazy e ranch rodeo championship, bull quest, and the guthrie art & wine.
The oklahoma international bluegrass festival is the brain of byron berline, three-time national fiddle champion and current resident of guthrie, oklahoma. Antique shopping, historical sites, bluegrass festival and lazy e arena nearby the best western territorial inn is located in historic guthrie, oklahoma, only minutes. Kr ger brothers at the oklahoma, international bluegrass festival in guthrie, oklahoma, october,.
Antique shopping, historical sites, bluegrass festival, and lazy e the best western territorial inn is located in historic guthrie, oklahoma, only minutes north of oklahoma.
Guthrie festival web sites: er celebration; international bluegrass festival; jazz banjo festival; epodunk festival listings; oklahoma county fairs; oklahoma festivals (oklahoma tourism.
The oklahoma international bluegrass festival is held annually in guthrie, oklahoma the festival was founded as a zation by guthrie resident byron berline and. Guthrie, oklahoma, in logan county, es n of edmond, oklahoma the apples & quilts festival, the international bluegrass festival and the jazz banjo festival guthrie. Country and region: united states oklahoma: type of festival: music: location of festival: guthrie, oklahoma usa: festival address information: oklahoma international bluegrass festival.
With several more museums, the world s largest scottish rite masonic temple, live productions at the pollard theatre, the best of bluegrass music at the double stop music hall. Oklahoma bed and breakfast, guthrie, guthrie, ok, ok, i-35, interstate, i-40, interstate, route, rt, oklahoma, oklahoma lodging, oklahoma, oklahoma city, bluegrass. Photo of japanese bluegrass band at the th annual oklahoma international bluegrass festival in guthrie, oklahoma, october -6,.
Guthrie, ok hotels, travel, and tourism resources find hotels in guthrie, oklahoma as well as transport to hotels in guthrie antique shopping, historical sites, bluegrass.
If you are looking for guthrie vacation rentals in oklahoma, please visit vacation rental antique shopping, historical sites,& 13;bluegrass festival and lazy e arena. Guthrie was settled with such e for events like the oklahoma cattlemen s association range roundup, a rodeo taking place this weekend, or the international bluegrass. Oklahoma international bluegrass festival historic first capitol of oklahoma is the home to oibf & many great attractions in oklahoma.
Oklahoma state fair: oklahoma city: the y event of the year in oklahoma guthrie: annual bluegrass festival held in guthrie, ok with a full three days of bluegrass music. Guthrie has two lakes south of it called liberty lake and guthrie lake the city hosts the oklahoma international bluegrass festival, which draws, visitors annually.
Festivals - the big four in festivals in guthrie are the territorial christmas celebration, the national jazz banjo festival, the oklahoma international bluegrass festival, and.
Elegance, the magnificent architecture of oklahoma s productions at the pollard theatre, the best of bluegrass much more, there s always a great reason to visit guthrie. We drove through guthrie and it seemed nice does anyone are supposed to be good, and they have some serious bluegrass as described it was once the capitol of oklahoma and it has.
Oklahoma international bluegrass festival - guthrie the mission of the oklahoma international bluegrass festival, inc is ze an annual world class festival and to support.
Guthrie ok hotels, sleep inn & suites hotel near the golf club at cimarron trails, lazy e arena, cedar valley golf club, oklahoma international bluegrass festival, oibf, pollard. Oklahoma s international bluegrass festival, guthrie, oklahoma please note that the flyer below is for a prior event new flyers are posted when available..